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Choosing the right Spanish classes is easy with a little research

You’ve decided to learn Spanish; whether to improve employment opportunities, advance in a currently held position, communicate effectively with our neighbors to the South, or simply for the fun of it, you’ve decided to take the plunge. Regardless of the reason, your first logical step is to find a good Spanish teacher or tutor, decide on the best course of learning for your particular circumstances, and then get on with the business of adding Spanish to your linguistic repertoire.

If you’re the highly-motivated sort capable of focused study beyond the classroom situation, you may want to consider a self-learning program. Several good ones exist on tape, CD and digital media, as well as online. Many offer video lessons to help put your Spanish to the test in “real world” situations-shopping at the grocery, ordering in restaurants, asking for directions, and so on. These learn at your own pace Spanish classes work well for some; others find they learn better within the confines of a traditional classroom situation.

For these, again, several options exist. Choosing Spanish classes that best suit your personality, schedule and current skill level needn’t be difficult. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Spanish classes come in several different formats and intensity levels. If you’re hoping to become proficient in the shortest possible amount of time, you may wish to consider a total immersion package. These are frequently offered by large, international language teaching companies such as Berlitz. Many times immersion packages also are available through local community education programs or even private tutors. These packages typically teach you to communicate effectively in Spanish in everyday situations in which you might find yourself while visiting a Spanish speaking country.

Lesson plans in full immersion classes typically last eight-to-ten hours per day and offer both classroom and individualized instruction, as well as group activities focused on putting your new language skills to the test.

Another option is personalized, one-on-one instruction with a tutor. This method allows flexible scheduling since there are no other classmates to consider. Those with busy work or school schedules might find private tutoring to be their best bet for successfully learning a new language.

Simi-private instruction also is generally available in most metropolitan areas, either through professional language tutors or local community education classes. These Spanish classes offer the benefit of a group learning situation, where students are able to practice their language skills on each other. Being somewhat smaller than group classes, however, scheduling for semi-private instruction can be somewhat more student-centered and less rigid.

When choosing a personalized classroom style, consider all these factors, as well as cost. Private classes typically cost more than lessons set in a larger group. The differences in price, in fact, vary greatly between providers and instructors; in this case, it definitely pays to shop around, check references and seek out online testimonials from former students.

Doing a little “homework” prior to signing up for Spanish classes can make all the difference in your eventual success.

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Spanish Lessons Chicago

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Finding the right teacher for Spanish classes

Spanish classes are a great way to learn a beautiful language in the shortest amount of time possible, but any class—regardless of the subject—is only as good as the teacher providing the instruction. He or she should be dedicated, motivated and fully certified to bring to the classroom the best instruction possible.


As a student, you’ll want to make sure you’re getting your dollar’s worth from your tuition. Don’t be afraid to ask a few questions before signing up for Spanish classes; it’s your money and you have a right to know it’s being spent on the lessons you really want and need.


First off, make sure your teacher or tutor is fully qualified. Spanish isn’t physics, so a PhD in the language is hardly required; a good working knowledge of Spanish, coupled with a reasonably understanding of classroom dynamics is usually enough to make for a qualified teacher. If you’re intent of finding a state-certified instructor, you should know that the qualifications for certification vary greatly from one area to another. Also, certifications are often doled out according to level—someone teaching beginning Spanish classes may not need to pass the certification of a fourth-year teacher, for instance.


Someone teaching Spanish online, which many do these days, may have no certification whatever. The same may hold true of instructors providing online tutorials. This doesn’t mean those teaching lessons online are not certified, but you should be aware this is a possibility. Again, don’t be afraid to ask questions and check credentials, even for online Spanish classes.


Not surprisingly, teaching Spanish at the high school or college level will almost always require a formal degree, both in the language and a Bachelor’s degree in education. Spanish is a highly structured language with many grammar rules which, if not taught effectively, can impair a student’s ability to communicate effectively, so a qualified teacher is a must.


Another question to consider when choosing a teacher is what dialect you wish to speak. Many new students aren’t aware that Spanish comes in many dialects; the differences between Spanish spoken in Madrid and that spoken in Mexico City are so divergent as to be almost unrecognizable as a single language, especially to those new to the language. If you’re learning the language for an upcoming vacation, business trip, or even permanent relocation, it’s best to seek a tutor who teaches the dialect you will most often encounter.


Still another factor to consider is location. If you’re seeking face-to-face or traditional classroom lessons, you will of course want a teacher or classroom location that is close enough at hand that the lessons will fit in with your schedule. But even if you’re taking lessons online or via Skype, you’ll want to consider location. If you live in the United States and your instructor resides in Sydney, Australia, one of you is going to have to be taking or giving the lessons in the middle of the night. You may want to find an online tutor nearer your local time zone.


Good teachers are available almost everywhere. Find the one that’s right for you.

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How Spanish classes can help you find employment

You’ve been considering Spanish classes as a way of expanding your resume; just one more aspect to make yourself attractive to potential employers. But you’re wondering if the money spent on tuition will actually pay off in the long run. That, in large part, depends on your motivation and individual circumstances, of course. However, you should be aware that there are many opportunities available in today’s business and academic communities for those with a good working knowledge of Spanish.

The Spanish population in the United States has for the past several decades seen a steady incline, especially in southern states like Florida and Texas. With this influx of immigrants comes a greater demand for those who can fluently converse in their native tongue. Career opportunities for bilingual men and women have never been so diverse and numerous.

Naturally, education ranks high on this list of potential employment opportunities. In many communities across the Southwest, large percentages of local children speak English haltingly or not at all. Teachers fluent in Spanish are able to help these kids transition into society by teaching English language skills while simultaneously keeping students current in other areas of study. Early childhood development centers also are seeing an increased need for bilingual workers.

Social services and counseling services also are in need of bilingual candidates. This previously largely untapped market is quickly filling up with qualified employees with degrees in social work, counseling, psychology and mental health. These fields typical require a Master’s Degree or better. However, many other positions requiring only a Bachelor’s Degree also are available in abundance, at least in certain parts of the country.

The medical field also is clamoring for skilled bilingual candidates to work in virtually every position from aides to patient advocates to translators for patients coming into the hospital. Spanish classes have been established, in fact, which cater directly to the medical profession, producing graduates who not only have proficiency in everyday Spanish, but also nomenclature specific to the hospital environment.


On the less-educated end of the spectrum, many retail employers have begun to understand the value of having Spanish speaking employees on staff who can communicate effectively with Hispanic customers. Being able to answer a few questions about a product in the customer’s native tongue can go along way to boosting overall sales.

Those interested in a career in criminal justice may also find their chances for gainful employment improved by developing a fluency in Spanish. Several schools have sprung up in recent years designed specifically for teaching Spanish to current criminal justice employees, a sure sign that the need exists.

Chinese is the most-spoken language in the world. Spanish is the second. With 21 countries worldwide listing Spanish as their official language and the huge, ongoing influx of Spanish speaking peoples into the United States, the importance and value of learning this language, whether for business or personal reasons, should be obvious.

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How fast can Spanish classes teach me the language?

Learning a new language can be difficult or easy; much depends on the teacher, the time spent in lessons and the determination and motivation of the student. Spanish classes vary greatly in content, format and value. What works well for one student may not work at all for another.


Most students find that full immersion in language study produces the fastest results. But if you’re heading for Madrid next Wednesday, chances are you’re going to want to take along a translation dictionary; it’s already too late for you to become conversant in Spanish, much less fluent. Two months, however, is another matter. A dedicated student enrolled in a Spanish immersion situation can be at least conversant in as little as two or three months. Fluency comes later, after many months or even years.


A talented instructor and an enthusiastic student are the twin pillars of successfully learning Spanish in a short amount of time, but there also are many other factor and plenty of tips to remember that will help you on your way. The first and foremost is, don’t be nervous about getting it wrong! Jump into the language pool with both feet and get as wet as you can. Speak Spanish at every opportunity to those who can correct your mistakes and set you on the right path. Will this make you look occasionally foolish? Sure, but who cares? The goal here is to learn a new language and you’re not going to do that without myriad blunders along the way. Embrace them and plow ahead anyway. Remember, nobody’s expecting you to be fluent right out of the gate.


Trial and error is probably the single best way to develop your new language skills. Remember, that’s how you learned your native tongue as a child, by stumbling around in short pants trying to put names to the objects that filled your world. Eventually, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and other parts of speech eventually joined your juvenile repertoire and voila, you were fluent! The same will happen with Spanish, just keep at it.


Other than constant usage, other tips to remember are these: Don’t worry overmuch about vocabulary, at least not initially. You’ll be able to converse with far fewer words than you might imagine. Additional vocabulary will come with time, practice and need.


Try not to find the meanings of new words in a dictionary. Instead, consider the situation and context in which you first heard the words. What was the speaker talking about? Were there any visual clues or indications as to the meaning of the word in his inflection?


Verbs are very important in the Spanish language. Accordingly, most Spanish classes focus heavily on verb usage and tense. Like I said, the vocabulary will come in its own good time. Far more important is learning the proper verb patterns.


Finally, use Spanish even when you’re not in Spanish class. Take every opportunity to use the Spanish names for everyday objects, places and even people. If you can find someone to join you in your quest for Spanish fluency, so much the better. Bounce words and phrases off each other every chance you get. Before you know it you’ll be speaking the language like a native.

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Spanish Tutors Chicago

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Spanish Classes

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