How Spanish classes can help you find employment

You’ve been considering Spanish classes as a way of expanding your resume; just one more aspect to make yourself attractive to potential employers. But you’re wondering if the money spent on tuition will actually pay off in the long run. That, in large part, depends on your motivation and individual circumstances, of course. However, you should be aware that there are many opportunities available in today’s business and academic communities for those with a good working knowledge of Spanish.

The Spanish population in the United States has for the past several decades seen a steady incline, especially in southern states like Florida and Texas. With this influx of immigrants comes a greater demand for those who can fluently converse in their native tongue. Career opportunities for bilingual men and women have never been so diverse and numerous.

Naturally, education ranks high on this list of potential employment opportunities. In many communities across the Southwest, large percentages of local children speak English haltingly or not at all. Teachers fluent in Spanish are able to help these kids transition into society by teaching English language skills while simultaneously keeping students current in other areas of study. Early childhood development centers also are seeing an increased need for bilingual workers.

Social services and counseling services also are in need of bilingual candidates. This previously largely untapped market is quickly filling up with qualified employees with degrees in social work, counseling, psychology and mental health. These fields typical require a Master’s Degree or better. However, many other positions requiring only a Bachelor’s Degree also are available in abundance, at least in certain parts of the country.

The medical field also is clamoring for skilled bilingual candidates to work in virtually every position from aides to patient advocates to translators for patients coming into the hospital. Spanish classes have been established, in fact, which cater directly to the medical profession, producing graduates who not only have proficiency in everyday Spanish, but also nomenclature specific to the hospital environment.


On the less-educated end of the spectrum, many retail employers have begun to understand the value of having Spanish speaking employees on staff who can communicate effectively with Hispanic customers. Being able to answer a few questions about a product in the customer’s native tongue can go along way to boosting overall sales.

Those interested in a career in criminal justice may also find their chances for gainful employment improved by developing a fluency in Spanish. Several schools have sprung up in recent years designed specifically for teaching Spanish to current criminal justice employees, a sure sign that the need exists.

Chinese is the most-spoken language in the world. Spanish is the second. With 21 countries worldwide listing Spanish as their official language and the huge, ongoing influx of Spanish speaking peoples into the United States, the importance and value of learning this language, whether for business or personal reasons, should be obvious.

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